This week I've been feeling really good in the mornings when I wake up and see the sun shining and realize that the flowers are in bloom and the breezes are getting warmer. It's a really nice feeling. This morning was no different. I'd only like it better if there was a blooming Lilac bush outside my bedroom window like there was when I was a kid. There's nothing I like more than the smell of fresh lilacs.
My coaches, Chris and Kara, issued a challenge this week to spread random acts of kindness. There's a competition ... but I'm not doing so well at it. Actually, that's not true. I've done several little things ... smiling at strangers, starting off someone's train in a cut-throat game of dominos, picking up stray trash blowing around. But nothing that I would put in the competition yet.
But it has gotten me thinking about how wonderful an unexpected kindness can be. For example, I went out to my car in the parking lot today and found a note from my friend Bill, who is really like family, telling me he loves me. It was a nice reminder. We all need to hear that more. Then this special fella that I've been seeing took the time to bring lunch to the park so we could eat together and soak up some sunshine.
It's really nice when you have unexpected joy in the middle of your day. It doesn't make the work go away ... trust me. I'm behind so I know. But it makes it a little more palatable.
So, I'm kind of passing on my coaches challenge to you guys ... do something nice for someone that they aren't expecting. Tell someone you love them. Give someone a sandwich when they are hungry. Think about doing things that have no reward to you ... and then the trick is that it does have a reward. You end up feeling pretty good and you've made someone else happy in the process.
Now, I'm still in search of some random kindnesses to perform myself.
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